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Time to move on

Time to move on

It seems most of the confessions are about cheating or some type of sexual contact. Mine is different. I had been dating my ex for over a year when I walked away from the relationship. So what happened—I finally saw him for the jerk he became. He went from living and kind to bitter and controlling in that year. It just took a long time for me to realize I was ignoring the change and making excuses for him. Sure we had sex and I was in love with him. Then in the last two months he got so controlling and verbally abusive it was impossible for me to continue in the relationship. I wish it was different but it is what it is. Move on and live my life on my terms.
Clare Dating June 08, 2024 at 4:22 pm 0
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3 Confession Comments
How old are you? How did he react? Tried to apologize? The he will change? Or just accepted quietly the break up! Hope you find someone that's better from the you....
anonymous 4 months ago
Hell yeah, you don't need a man to make you happy. Most men are jerks, idiots. Ever try a girlfriend?
Jess 4 months ago
I am 21, He just said “ I think you are a stupid bitch” and walked away. No I am sorry or any excuse. Not really into the gay or lesbian lifestyle myself.
Clare 4 months ago
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