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Random Confession


My wife has had medical issues that cause her to have a very low sex drive. This all started a few years after we were married. We had three children and their daycare teacher was my and my wifes age. She would discretely flirt when I picked up or dropped off the kids as long as the wife was not with me. The daycare was on an old farm and there was a creek with a waterfall and a small pool that the kids were allowed to play in when it was hot. One day she invited me to come to the creek and help out with the kids. Once we were in the water, she started rubbing her feet on me and then reached into my trunks with her hand. I had a rock hard dick and had to stay in the water till it subsided. I asked her if she would like to go for a motorcycle ride later. I picked her up and went to the park. We lay down on a towel and made out. My wife was working late and the kids were at a friends so I asked her back to the house. Once at the house we were sitting in the living room watching a video and having a drink and she went down on me, she was giving me the most amazing BJ I had ever had. I said we should take a shower and climb into bed and she agreed. We showered, making out like teenagers the whole time, when we got out of the shower she dried me off and then started in with her mouth again. After a few minutes, I rolled her on her back and entered her. I slowly sawed in and out while she played with her clit till she got off a few times and then I just pounded into her till I was ready to cum. She wasn't on birth control so she had asked me not to cum in her pussy even with a condom, so I pulled out and pulled the condom off. The first squirt went across her belly as I crawled up the bed toward her face. The second squirt splashed on her lip and left cheek and the rest went into her mouth. After this, for a period of about 6 months, once every other week or so, after the kids were at daycare. She would come over and have sex. I am a mechanic and if there was an issue with their daycare van, she would call me and see if I could fix it for her. I would lay under the van while she toyed with my penis with her feet, sometimes getting down on the floor just to blow me. Her husband was never around but must have intuited something because he accused her of cheating and she visited me at home to tell me it had to end after one last fling. I miss seeing her, she was a true freak in the bedroom. Nothing was off limits, she liked oral, anal, being tied up. She even like me to orgasm on her face, the more and the messier, the better she liked it. She was especially fond of going out in public with my juice on her face. Yes, I do miss her.
anonymous Relationships June 08, 2015 at 12:00 am 0

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