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Second guy

Second guy

My boyfriend dumped me last week. He was my first guy. We had been together for more than 6 months. He was kind of controlling so I often did what he wanted. In the end I think he got tired of having sex with just me and moved on. Last weekend I hooked up with a guy that my ex absolutely hated. Wow what a change that was. He was so much better than my ex. I can’t believe the difference.
Jackie Sex May 13, 2024 at 12:15 pm 0
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9 Confession Comments
Howbñ old ate you? Can I be third?
Jim 4 months ago
I am glad you bounced back and moved on from someone that was so controlling.
Anon 4 months ago
How old are you?? A teenager??
Bob 4 months ago
I am ready to give you more experience....
Bob 4 months ago
I think your body count will grow fast...
Billy 4 months ago
Sounds good. You don't need a controlling jerk in your life, unless you are a sub. I'm a submissive male in a dom relationship with a woman. Works for us.
Best wishes.
anonymous 4 months ago
I am 19 and I doubt we are even in the same area since I live in a sparsely populated part of the southwest. Being third is still a possibility and my level of experience is not growing yet
Jackie 3 months ago
Are you active with number 2? Or was it a one time thing?
Billy 3 months ago
A one nighter.
Jackie 3 months ago
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